Saturday, September 7, 2019

Buildings on the roman forum or the imperial forum Research Paper

Buildings on the roman forum or the imperial forum - Research Paper Example It is positioned between Capitoline and palatine hills (Watkin 1). The coliseum was initially referred to as the Flavian Amphitheatre. It portends an egg-shaped shape and is situated in the middle of the metropolis of Rome and east of the Roman forum. It is the most gigantic building ever constructed in the history of Rome in additionally to being one of the most aesthetic and remarkable works in Roman engineering and architecture history. It was christened after the emperor administrating in the first century. Its construction was conducted between 73 and 75 AD and was completed in 79 AD (DuTemple 88). It is oval in shape and can house approximately 80000 spectators or audience. It occupies a total area of 6 acres and has 76 grand entrances. It is 50 meters high and 189 meters long. It is 156 meters wide and has an outer circumference of 545 meters. The center arena is approximately 287 feet long and 180 feet in width with a covering of 15 cm of sand. The arena walls are 15 feet high and the vaults are erected to span the 80 radial walls to support to the stairways and the spectators’ seats. It has 36 trapdoors and a series of subterranean tunnels that underlie 32 animal pens. 8 meters beneath the structure, the drainage pipes are constructed. Inside foundations were erected 4 meters under while the outer ones were erected 13 meters beneath the ground level (Beard and Hopkins 21). Travertine Limestone was employed in the erection of the main pillars, external walls and the entire ground of the coliseum. Tuff, a consolidated and porous stone obtained from vulcanicity was utilized in the crafting of the radial walls and pillars used to support the entire structure. Roman cement, which was an instrumental binding addition in the concrete mixture, was utilized in the creation of the pillars and walls. Tiles covered the floor and cement on vaults. It served as an arena to host entertainment for the ancient Romans as a gift. It was meant to be an eye

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