Monday, September 9, 2019

Comparing between Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comparing between - Essay Example On the hand a conflicting conclusion has been raised by the study conducted by Cambridge University and Medical Research Council (CUMRC). This study concluded that saturated fat found in dairy protect against type 2 diabetes. The CUMRC only linked alcohol, red meat, carbohydrates and fried food as causal agents to diabetes but affirms that dairy food prevents type 2 diabetes risk. The CUMRC daunting challenge is only establishing how various food ate corresponds to fatty acid levels. The finding thus uproots an earlier notion of risks of Cheese products that were previously linked to higher amounts of cholesterol and type 2 diabetes and recommends its increased consumptions as a protective mechanism against type 2 diabetes. In conclusion, the two CUMRC’s findings have been affirmed by the chief coordinator of the Inter-Act project, Prof Nick Wareham. He has noted a lot of confidence in the CUMRC’s findings and hence thumps up the position that saturated fat in dairy products protect against type 2 diabetes hence downtrodden ‘Epic-InterAct Study’

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