Thursday, September 12, 2019

Foundations of Managment & Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Foundations of Managment & Organization - Essay Example There are two aspects that are normally connected to rationalization. The first aspect includes the question on the number and size of the institution in the sector (Morgan 2006). The second aspect is determination as to whether the institutions are despite their numbers can be collaborated to minimize duplication of duties by the entire system (Morgan 2006). It important to note that rationalization has both beneficial aspect and disadvantageous side of its application on an existing company. By the virtue that the core objective of introducing rationalization is to bring quality services, the issues of costs reduction is out of question (Morgan 2006). It should be noted that rationalization will result in increased prices of goods and services in the company. When relating this with Travelodge hotel, rationalization has made customers even not to pay for services they don’t (Morgan 2006). Travelodge just like many hotels have embraced the need to offer quality services. In most scenarios, customers do not mind about the high costs accelerated by rationalization rather, they focus more on clean and confortable place where one can get a good night sleep (Morgan 2006). Therefore, despite the speculation that rationalization will reduce prices, the truth is that it contributes to high costs of goods and services offered (Rodrigues 2001). It should also be noted that rationalization which people believe will modify the institution to be bigger and larger is a misguided notion (Rodrigues 2001). It is not a guarantee that by improving the quality of services within an institution should also be accompanied by expansion of its size and departments. Application of rationalization tools will guarantee advancement in quality service pleasing to customers but it will not enhance business expansion. It is important to note that despite Travelodge applying

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